Spoken English Course

Learn English

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of spoken and written language to boost their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. The course will include basic language structure, vocabulary, formal and informal situational dialogues, listening to short conversations, role-playing, and writing short paragraphs.

Course Objective

This is a non-credit course to develop the student’s ability in the four basic language skills. The materials and activities included in the course are designed to improve the students’ use of English for academic and communicative purposes.

Best Spoken English Classes in Chandigarh

Why should you join Lingo Aspirants for Spoken English?

We offer intensive Spoken English training with the following features:

Individual Attention

We are giving individual learning and individual attention to every student.

Flexible Timings

The Flexible Working Hours Policy allows students of any category.

Affordable Course Fee

Our fee structure is very less compare to other training Centre.

Experienced Trainers

Authorized Trainers are appropriately qualified, skilled in teaching.

What Will You Learn?

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
  • Demonstrate comprehension of a range of spoken texts delivered clearly and naturally at normal or near-normal speed, to include both informal dialogues and short more formal monologues such as a mini-lecture on topics of some familiarity.
  • Respond to spoken text through speech (conversations) or written notes.
  • Demonstrate comprehension of a range of written texts on familiar and less familiar topics, and apply suitable strategies including guessing and use of a dictionary, to cope with any difficulties encountered.
  • Respond to written text through speech (discussions and presentations) or written work (notes, summaries, etc.).
  • Produce spoken English, including presentations and participate in discussions and group tasks, in a clear comprehensible and professional manner.
  • Prepare simple, brief factual information in writing.
  • Use a wide range of lexis correctly, including spelling and pronunciation, in an appropriate manner.

Course Outline

The topics covered in the course will include:

Basic Language Structure: consideration of the use of words, basic grammar in sentence construction. Written and spoken modes and methods.

Communication: What is communication? Human needs and communication skills, changing your communication behavior, communicative grammar, nonverbal communication, intercultural communication

English Grammar: verb tenses; all parts of speech; modal verbs; parts of the sentence; gerunds; participles; infinitives; noun, adjective, and adverb clauses; prepositional phrases; parallel structures; word order and word choice; word forms; idioms.

Pronunciation and Listening Comprehension: syllables, vowels and word stress, sentence focus and consonants.

Language Functions: Describing people, objects, places; narrating events, experiences; explaining procedures, topics; giving opinions on topics; summarizing different kinds of texts; analyzing topics.

Dialogues: interviews (formal, informal, in which situation…), conversations (small talk; to establish different kinds of relationships; analysis or deep conversations on topics, etc.), transactional dialogues connected to different areas of life, e.g. travelling, daily life, work, studying, health (dialogues to get goods and services: at a restaurant, at a hotel, at university or school, at the station or airport, in a shop, at a supermarket, in a mall or shopping center, at the doctor’s or dentist’s…)

Basic Writing Skills: punctuation; grammar; spelling; apostrophes and abbreviations; correct English; filling in forms; writing letters; applying for a job.

Presentation Skills: personal appearance, discussions, question and answer techniques.

A Great Place To Learn

Lingo Aspirants Training Centre in Chandigarh will undoubtedly help you with the Spoken English course in the shortest possible time. If you are looking for Spoken English training in Chandigarh, we are at present the best Spoken English training centre in Chandigarh.

Lingo Aspirants-


How much does training cost?

Contact our Sales executive they can help you about Course fee, and Discount offers.

What are Eligibility and Requirements?

18 Years and above, Basic Level of English Language understanding